Read in sample keys

tissue_files <- list.files(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/input/"), pattern = "sample_key.txt", full.names = TRUE) 
tissue_names <- gsub("_sample_key.txt", "", basename(tissue_files))
tissue_keys <- tissue_files %>%
  map(read_tsv, col_types = "cc" )
tissue_n <- map_dbl(tissue_keys, nrow )

tissue_metadata <- tibble( tissue = tissue_names, n = tissue_n)

Read in significance data

First, how does altering PEER factors change the number of eGenes?

sig_res <- list.files(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/normal_qtls"), pattern = "cis_qtl.txt.gz", full.names = TRUE)

sig_res_out <- here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/normal_qtls/all_tissues_sig_results.RData")

if (rerun){
  sig_res_files <- map(sig_res, ~{read_tsv(.x) %>% filter(qval < 0.05)  })
  save(sig_res_files,file = sig_res_out)

sig_res_n <- map_dbl(sig_res_files, nrow )

# for sQTL results grouped by cluster
sig_res_n_gene <- map_dbl(sig_res_files, ~{ 
  if("group_id" %in% names(.x) ){ 
    .x$gene <- str_split_fixed(.x$group_id, ":", 2)[,1]
    length(unique(.x$gene) ) 
    } })

sig_res_info <- gsub(".cis_qtl.txt.gz", "", basename(sig_res))

sig_res_df <- 
  stringr::str_split_fixed(sig_res_info, pattern = "_", n = 4) %>% stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) %>%
  rename(tissue = V1, type = V2, n_peer = V3, group = V4) %>%
  mutate(group = ifelse(group == "", "gene", group)) %>% 
  tidyr::unite( col = "type", c(type, group)) %>%
  mutate(n_peer = as.numeric(gsub("peer", "", n_peer)) ) %>%
  mutate(n_QTL = sig_res_n) %>%
  mutate(file = basename(sig_res) ) %>%
  mutate(n_genes = sig_res_n_gene)

names(sig_res_files) <- sig_res_df$file

to_plot <- sig_res_df %>%
  left_join( tissue_metadata, by = "tissue") %>%
  filter(type %in% c("expression_gene", "splicing_cluster"))

size_order <- arrange(tissue_metadata, desc(n)) %>% pull(tissue)

max_n_per_dataset <- 
  to_plot %>%
  split( paste(.$tissue, .$type) ) %>%
  map_df( ~{ .x %>% arrange(desc(n_genes)) %>% head(1) })

max_n_per_dataset_plot <- 
  max_n_per_dataset %>%
  mutate(tissue = forcats::fct_relevel(tissue, size_order)) %>%
  ggplot(aes( x = n, y =n_genes, colour = tissue )) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = tissue)) +
  xlab("Number of individuals") +
  ylab("Number of genes with associations") +
  theme_jh() + 
  facet_wrap(~type) +
  guides(colour = FALSE)


max_n_per_dataset %>%
  mutate(type = ifelse(type == "expression_gene", "eGenes", "sGenes")) %>%
  select(tissue, type,  n, n_genes ) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = n_genes) %>%
  mutate(tissue = snakecase::to_any_case(tissue, case = "title", sep_out = " ") ) %>%
tissue n eGenes sGenes
Cervical Spinal Cord 216 7890 4730
Lumbar Spinal Cord 197 6751 4302
Thoracic Spinal Cord 68 962 1387
n_per_PEER_plot <-
  to_plot %>%
  mutate(tissue = forcats::fct_relevel(tissue, size_order)) %>%
  mutate(type = ifelse(type == "expression_gene", "eQTL", "sQTL")) %>%
  ggplot(aes( y = n_genes, x = n_peer, group = tissue)) + 
  geom_point(aes(colour = tissue)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = tissue), show.legend=FALSE) +
  geom_text(aes(label = n_genes), nudge_y = 0.025, show.legend=FALSE, size = 3 ) +
  theme_jh() +
  #geom_text_repel(aes(x = 30, label = tissue)) +
  xlab("Number of PEER factors") +
  ylab("Number of QTLs") +
  facet_wrap(~type) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  scale_colour_brewer(type = "qual")


ggsave(plot = n_per_PEER_plot, file = here::here("ALS_SC/plots/QTL_PEER_plot.pdf"), width =7, height = 5)

PEER factors: 30 for Cervical and Lumbar expression 10 for Thoracic expression 15 for Cervical splicing 10 for Lumbar splicing 5 for Thoracic splicing

##  [1] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer0_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
##  [2] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer10_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [3] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer15_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [4] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer20_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [5] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer25_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [6] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer30_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [7] "CervicalSpinalCord_expression_peer5_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
##  [8] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer0_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
##  [9] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer10_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [10] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer15_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [11] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer20_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [12] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer25_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [13] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer30_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [14] "CervicalSpinalCord_splicing_peer5_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [15] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer0_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"    
## [16] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer10_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [17] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer15_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [18] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer20_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [19] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer25_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [20] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer30_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [21] "LumbarSpinalCord_expression_peer5_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"    
## [22] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer0_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [23] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer10_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [24] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer15_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [25] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer20_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [26] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer25_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [27] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer30_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [28] "LumbarSpinalCord_splicing_peer5_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"   
## [29] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer0_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [30] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer10_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [31] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer15_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [32] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer20_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [33] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer25_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [34] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer30_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [35] "ThoracicSpinalCord_expression_peer5_gene.cis_qtl.txt.gz"  
## [36] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer0_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz" 
## [37] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer10_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [38] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer15_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [39] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer20_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [40] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer25_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [41] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer30_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
## [42] "ThoracicSpinalCord_splicing_peer5_cluster.cis_qtl.txt.gz"
max_eqtl_files <- max_n_per_dataset%>% filter(type == "expression_gene") %>% pull(file)
max_sqtl_files <- max_n_per_dataset%>% filter(type == "splicing_cluster") %>% pull(file)

## total number of eGenes
total_eGenes <- sig_res_files[max_eqtl_files] %>% map( "group_id" ) %>% unlist() %>% unique() %>% length()

## total number of sGenes
total_sGenes <- sig_res_files[max_sqtl_files] %>% map( ~{.x %>% mutate(gene = str_split_fixed(group_id, ":", 2)[,1]) %>% pull(gene) } ) %>% unlist() %>% unique() %>% length()

## [1] 9492
## [1] 5627

Tissue Sharing

Computed with qvalue comparing nominal P-values in target tissue with permutation P-values of source tissue

#qvalues <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/April_2020_tensorQTL/results/qvalue/NYGC_eQTL_all_pi0.tsv"))
eqtl_qvalues <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/qvalue/SC_eQTL_all_qvalues_merged.0.05.tsv"))

eqtl_qvalues$type <- "eQTL"

sqtl_qvalues <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/qvalue/SC_sQTL_all_qvalues_merged.0.05.tsv"))

sqtl_qvalues$type <- "sQTL"

qvalues <- bind_rows(eqtl_qvalues, sqtl_qvalues) 

conversion_df <- 
  long = unique(c(qvalues$source_name, qvalues$target_name)),
  short = c("GTEx\nCSC", "CSC", "LSC", "TSC","GTEx\nCSC", "CSC", "LSC", "TSC" )

qvalues$source_name <- conversion_df$short[match(qvalues$source_name, conversion_df$long)]
qvalues$target_name <- conversion_df$short[match(qvalues$target_name, conversion_df$long)]

tissue_levels <- c("CSC", "TSC", "LSC", "GTEx\nCSC")

qvalues_to_plot <-
  qvalues %>%
  mutate(source_name = factor(source_name, levels = rev(tissue_levels) ), 
  target_name = factor(target_name, levels = tissue_levels) ) %>%
  mutate(pi1 = ifelse(, yes = 1, no = pi1)) %>%
  mutate(pi1 = ifelse(source_name == target_name, 1, pi1)) %>%
  mutate(pi1 = signif(pi1, digits = 2)) 

qvalue_plot <- 
  qvalues_to_plot %>%
  ggplot(aes(x= source_name, y = target_name, fill = pi1, label = pi1)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  geom_text(colour = "white",fontface = "bold", size = 3) +
  labs(x = "Discovery", y = "Replication") +
                      low = "lightgoldenrod1", 
                      high = "red3", 
                      limits = c(0.5,1), 
                      breaks = c(0.5,1)  
                      ) +
  #theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) + scale_y_discrete( expand = c(0,0)) +
  facet_wrap(~type, scales = "free") +
  theme_jh() +
  theme(axis.line = element_blank() ) +
  guides(fill = guide_colourbar(barheight = unit(0.75, "in"), barwidth = unit(0.2, "in"),
                                nbin = 10,title.theme = element_text(size = 10), ticks.colour = NA) ) 


ggsave(plot = qvalue_plot, file = here::here("ALS_SC/plots/ALS_SC_qvalue_plot.pdf" ), width = 5, height = 2.2)
# qvalues_GTEX %>%
#   ggplot(aes(x= source_name, y = target_name, fill = pi1, label = pi1)) + geom_tile() + geom_text() +
#   labs(x = "", y = "") +
#   scale_fill_distiller(expression(pi[1]), type = "div", palette = "RdYlBu", limits = c(0.5,1) ) +
#   #theme_classic() +
#   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
#   coord_flip() +
#   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) + scale_y_discrete( expand = c(0,0), position = "right") + 
#   geom_hline(yintercept = 3.5, colour = "white", size = 3) +
#   theme_jh()