Colocalisation with ALS GWAS

# coloc_results <- list.files(here::here("data/QTLs/April_2020_tensorQTL/results/COLOC/Nicolas_1e-5"), pattern = "coloc_res.txt", full.names = TRUE)
# coloc_names <-, "_", 3)[,c(1:2)] )%>% tidyr::unite(col = "name")
# names(coloc_results) <- coloc_names$name
all_coloc_res <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/COLOC/all_COLOC_results_merged_H4_0_no_LD.tsv.gz"))
#all_coloc_res <- read_tsv(here::here("data/COLOC/Nicolas_suggestive/all_COLOC_results_merged_H4_0_no_LD.tsv.gz") )

coloc_res_ld <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/COLOC/all_COLOC_results_merged_H4_0.5_with_LD.tsv.gz"))

Find closest genes to loci

Use SNP Nexus

# gwas_snps <- tibble(
#   c = "dbSNP",
#   y = unique(coloc_res$GWAS_SNP)
# )

# write_tsv(gwas_snps, col_names = FALSE, file = "../../data/QTLs/nicolas_van_rheenen_gwas_snps.txt")

snp_nexus <- read_tsv(here::here("data/QTLs/snp_nexus_near_gene_ALS GWAS suggestive.txt") ) %>%

# get nearest protein-coding gene to each SNP
# snp_nexus %>%
#   select(-chromosome, -position, -annotation )

# for each SNP
# look at overlapping, upstream and downstream genes
# first pick protein-coding genes only
# then pick overlapping if available
# then pick closest of upstream and downstream

find_nearest_pc_gene <- function(x){
  gene <- "NONE"
  # if overlaps multiple genes - pick protein coding
  if( nrow(x) > 1){
    if( "protein_coding" %in% x$type ){
      gene <- x$overlapped_gene[ x$type == "protein_coding" ]
      # if multiple pc genes then take first
      gene <- gene[1]
      return(tibble( variant_id = x$variation_id, gene = gene) )
      # if no PC genes then go look up and downstream
      x <- x[1,]
  # if overlaps protein coding gene
  if( x$type == "protein_coding" ){gene <- x$overlapped_gene}
  # or the overlapped gene is the only gene
  if( x$type != "protein_coding" & x$nearest_downstream_gene == "None" & x$nearest_upstream_gene == "None"){ gene <- x$overlapped_gene}
  # if no overlap
  if( x$overlapped_gene == "None"){
    # check if up and down are PC, pick the one that is PC
    if( x$type_of_nearest_downstream_gene == "protein_coding" & 
        x$type_of_nearest_upstream_gene != "protein_coding"){ gene <- x$nearest_downstream_gene}
    if( x$type_of_nearest_downstream_gene != "protein_coding" & 
        x$type_of_nearest_upstream_gene == "protein_coding"){ gene <- x$nearest_upstream_gene}
    # if neither or both are protein coding then pick closest
        ( x$type_of_nearest_downstream_gene != "protein_coding" & 
        x$type_of_nearest_upstream_gene != "protein_coding" ) |
        ( x$type_of_nearest_downstream_gene == "protein_coding" & 
        x$type_of_nearest_upstream_gene == "protein_coding" )
        ( as.numeric(x$distance_to_nearest_downstream_gene) <
         as.numeric(x$distance_to_nearest_upstream_gene) ) 
        gene <- x$nearest_downstream_gene
        gene <- x$nearest_upstream_gene
  return(tibble( variant_id = x$variation_id, gene = gene) )

#x <- snp_nexus[1,]
x <- snp_nexus[ snp_nexus$variation_id == "rs3849943",]

nearest_genes <- 
  split(snp_nexus, snp_nexus$variation_id) %>%
  map_df( find_nearest_pc_gene )

# some fuckup with SNP nexus
nearest_genes$gene[ nearest_genes$gene == "AL451123.1" ] <- "C9orf72"


## append nearest genes to GWAS loci
gwas_loci <- read_tsv(here::here("data/GWAS/Nicolas_2018_hits_1e-5.tsv"))

gwas_loci$nearest_gene <- nearest_genes$gene[match(gwas_loci$variant_id, nearest_genes$variant_id)]

gwas_loci <- arrange(gwas_loci, gwas_loci$p_value)

write_tsv(gwas_loci, here::here( "data/GWAS/Nicolas_2018_hits_1e-5_nearest_genes.tsv") )
#coloc_res <- read_tsv(here::here("data/COLOC/Nicolas_suggestive/all_COLOC_results_merged_H4_0.5_with_LD.tsv.gz"))

#"We called the signals colocalized when (coloc H3+H4 ≥ 0.8 and H4∕H3 ≥ 2)" -Yi et al. (2019)
coloc_res <- full_join(all_coloc_res, coloc_res_ld)

coloc_res$QTL <- gsub("NYGC_", "", coloc_res$QTL)
coloc_res$QTL <- gsub("_VanRheenen", "", coloc_res$QTL)

coloc_res$tissue <- coloc_res$QTL
coloc_res$tissue <- str_split_fixed(coloc_res$QTL, "_", 2)[,1]
# tissue_levels <- c("Cervical\nSpinal Cord", "Thoracic\nSpinal Cord", "Lumbar\nSpinal Cord", "RE2 meta-analysis", "RE2C meta-analysis", "GTEx Cervical\nSpinal Cord" )

tissue_levels <- c("Cervical\nSpinal Cord", #"Thoracic\nSpinal Cord", 
                   "Lumbar\nSpinal Cord", "GTEx Cervical\nSpinal Cord" )

coloc_res <- mutate(coloc_res, tissue = case_when(
   tissue == "Cervical" ~ "Cervical\nSpinal Cord",
   tissue == "Thoracic" ~ "Thoracic\nSpinal Cord",
   tissue == "Lumbar" ~ "Lumbar\nSpinal Cord",
   tissue == "GTEX" ~ "GTEx Cervical\nSpinal Cord",
   grepl("SC_meta.*RE2$", QTL) ~ "RE2 meta-analysis",
   grepl("SC_meta.*RE2C$", QTL) ~ "RE2C meta-analysis"
  # tissue == "SCmeta" ~ "NYGC meta-analysis",
  # tissue == "SC" ~ "All meta-analysis"
 ) ) %>%
  mutate(tissue = factor(tissue, levels = tissue_levels))
coloc_res <- mutate(coloc_res, coloc = PP.H3.abf + PP.H4.abf > 0.8 & (PP.H4.abf / PP.H3.abf) >= 2 )

coloc_res$SNP_distance <- abs(coloc_res$GWAS_pos - coloc_res$QTL_pos)

coloc_res <- mutate(coloc_res, distance_filter = case_when( 
  type == "eQTL" & SNP_distance < 5e5 | (! & LD >= 0.1 ) ~ "PASS",
  type == "sQTL" & SNP_distance < 1e5 | (! & LD >= 0.1) ~ "PASS",
) )

table(coloc = coloc_res$coloc, filter = coloc_res$distance_filter)
##        filter
## coloc     FAIL   PASS
##   FALSE 213934  49797
##   TRUE     204    396
coloc_res <- filter(coloc_res, distance_filter == "PASS")

coloc_res$nearest_gene <- nearest_genes$gene[match(coloc_res$GWAS_SNP, nearest_genes$variant_id)]

coloc_res$locus <- paste0(coloc_res$nearest_gene, " P=", signif(coloc_res$GWAS_P,digits = 2) )

# remove duplicate loci
coloc_res <- filter(coloc_res, locus != "SNAI1 P=6.7e-06" )

# make plot
make_coloc_plot <- function(gwas, tissues = tissue_levels, min_gwas_p = 1e-5, min_PP4 = 0.7){
  # get out loci that contain at least one gene with PP4 > min_PP4
  coloc_hits <- filter(coloc_res, GWAS == gwas, GWAS_P < min_gwas_p, distance_filter == "PASS",  PP.H4.abf > min_PP4, tissue %in% tissue_levels )
  locus_order <- coloc_hits %>% select(locus, GWAS_P) %>% distinct() %>% arrange(GWAS_P) %>% pull(locus)

  coloc_res %>%
  filter(GWAS == gwas, GWAS_P < min_gwas_p ) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(paste(locus, QTL_Gene) %in% paste(coloc_hits$locus, coloc_hits$QTL_Gene) ) %>%
  select(QTL, locus, PP.H4.abf, type, QTL_Gene) %>%
  group_by(QTL, locus, type, QTL_Gene) %>%
  # for sQTLs - show best PP4
  summarise(PP.H4.abf = max(PP.H4.abf) ) %>%
  left_join(coloc_res) %>%
  mutate(h4 = signif(PP.H4.abf, digits = 2)) %>%
  # throw out PP4 less than 0.1
  mutate(h4 = ifelse(h4 < 0.1, NA, h4) ) %>%
  #mutate(tissue = gsub("_sQTL", "", QTL)) %>%
  # print loci in order of GWAS significance
  mutate(locus = factor(locus, levels = locus_order)) %>%
  mutate(tissue = factor(tissue, levels = tissue_levels)) %>%
  #mutate(tissue = gsub("_", "\n", tissue)) %>%
  #mutate( tissue = factor(gsub("_", " ", tissue), levels = tissue_order)) %>%
  #mutate( QTL = factor(gsub("_", " ", QTL), levels = tissue_order)) %>%
    #select(locus, QTL_Gene, QTL, type, PP.H4.abf)  %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = QTL_Gene, x = type)) + 
    colour = tissue, 
    shape = type, size = PP.H4.abf, alpha = PP.H4.abf), position = position_nudge(x = -0.25)) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = h4), nudge_x = 0.25) +
  facet_grid(locus ~ tissue, scales = "free_y",space = "free_y" ) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("orangered2", "orangered2", 
                                 #"orangered2", "blue3", "blue3",
                                 "purple2")) +
  theme_bw() +
    theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0, colour = "black", hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"), 
          strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, colour = "black", face = "bold"), 
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, colour = "black"), 
          axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic", colour = "black"),
          strip.background = element_blank(), 
          legend.position = "top",
 = margin(c(0,0,0,0)), 
          legend.margin = margin(c(0,0,0,0)),
          strip.placement = "outside",
          panel.spacing.y = unit(x = 0,units = "points"), panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, size = 0.2, colour = "black"), 
          panel.spacing.x = unit(x = 0,units = "points"),
          panel.grid = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black")
          ) +
    scale_size_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
    scale_alpha_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
    guides(size = FALSE, alpha = FALSE) +
    scale_x_discrete(position = "bottom") +
    labs(x = "", y = "", colour = "Tissue")#, title = disease_title , subtitle = paste0(gwas_subtitle, "; min H4 = ", min_h4)  )

nicolas_plot <- make_coloc_plot("NicolasSuggestive_2018", min_gwas_p = 1e-5, min_PP4 = 0.5)
##van_rheenen_plot <- make_coloc_plot("2021_EUR", min_gwas_p = 1e-5, min_PP4 = 0.5)

# ggsave(coloc_plot, width = 9, height = 12, filename = here::here("ALS_SC/plots/ALS_SC_GWAS_COLOC_plot.pdf" ) )
# write_tsv(coloc_hits, path = here::here("data/QTLs/Nov_2020/results/COLOC/SC_COLOC_hits.tsv"))
ggsave(nicolas_plot, width = 7.5, height = 7.5, filename = here::here("ALS_SC/plots/ALS_SC_GTEx_Nicolas_GWAS_COLOC_plot.pdf") )

##ggsave(van_rheenen_plot, width = 7, height = 12,filename = here::here("ALS_SC/plots/ALS_SC_GTEx_VanRheenen_GWAS_COLOC_plot.pdf") )

Save COLOC results for supplement

coloc_out <- coloc_res %>%
  filter(distance_filter == "PASS", GWAS == "NicolasSuggestive_2018", PP.H4.abf > 0.5,tissue %in% tissue_levels) %>%
  select( -distance_filter, -coloc, -disease, -GWAS, -locus, -tissue ) %>%
  select( GWAS_nearest_gene = nearest_gene, everything() ) %>%

write_tsv(coloc_out, here::here("ALS_SC/tables/coloc_results.tsv"))